bob是什么意思 bob的读音、翻译、用法

bob是什么意思 bob的读音、翻译、用法

'bob'是英语词汇,可作动词或名词使用,作为动词时表示轻轻地上下或上下摇动,作为名词时表示一个短而急促的头部或身体的动作。例如:The boat bobbed up and down on the waves.(这艘小船在海浪中轻轻上下摇晃。)


1. She bobbed her head to the beat of the music.(她跟着音乐的节奏轻轻地点头。)

2. The buoy bobbed up and down in the water.(浮标在水中上下浮动。)

3. The little girl's hair was cut into a bob.(那个小女孩的头发剪成了短发。)

4. The cork bobbed on the surface of the water.(软木塞在水面上漂浮。)

5. The boat's anchor bobbed along the ocean floor.(船锚沿着海底上下移动。)

6. He bobbed and weaved to avoid the opponent's punches.(他上下晃动身体来躲避对手的拳击。)

7. The bird bobbed its head as it pecked at the ground.(鸟在啄食地面时轻轻地点头。)

8. She wore a cloche hat that had a stylish bob.(她戴着一顶流行的小圆帽,帽子上剪成了短发。)

9. The fishing line bobbed in the water, indicating a fish had taken the bait.(渔线在水中上下浮动,表明有鱼儿上钩了。)

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