1. Acanthopagrus schlegelii又称黄鲷,是一种经济价值很高的海水鱼类,主要分布于中国、日本和朝鲜等国家的近海海域。(中文翻译:Acanthopagrus schlegelii is also known as yellow croaker, a high economic value marine fish mainly distributed in the coastal waters of China, Japan and North Korea.)
2. 在海边捕捞到了一条金目鲷,我们打算烧一盘清蒸金目鲷。(中文翻译:We caught a golden eye bream by the seaside and plan to steam it.)
3. 养殖金目鲷需要讲究水质和光照,同时要注意饲料的选择和投喂量。(中文翻译:Raising golden eye bream requires attention to water quality and light, as well as careful selection and feeding of feed.)
4. 捕捞金目鲷采用的常见的方式包括拖网、刺网和围网等。(中文翻译:Common fishing methods for golden eye bream include trawling, gill netting and encircling netting.)
5. 该餐厅以金目鲷为招牌菜,烤金目鲷和清蒸金目鲷都特别好吃。(中文翻译:The restaurant's signature dish is golden eye bream, the grilled and steamed ones are particularly delicious.)
6. 科学家们利用Acanthopagrus latus(大鲷)进行了一项实验,研究了人类活动对海洋生态系统的影响。(中文翻译:Scientists conducted an experiment using Acanthopagrus latus (large croaker) to study the impact of human activities on marine ecosystems.)
7. 研究发现,金目鲷的生长速度和身形大小与其生长环境和养殖管理等因素有关。(中文翻译:Studies have found that the growth rate and body size of golden eye bream are related to their growth environment and aquaculture management factors.)
8. 金目鲷在烹调时最好去除鳞片、鳃和内脏,以免影响口感。(中文翻译:It is best to remove the scales, gills and internal organs when cooking golden eye bream to avoid affecting the taste.)
9. 金目鲷寿命长,最长可达xx年左右。(中文翻译:Golden eye bream have a long lifespan, up to about 20 years.)