Karen Mulder是什么意思 Karen Mulder的读音、翻译、用法

Karen Mulder是什么意思 Karen Mulder的读音、翻译、用法

'Karen Mulder'是英语中的一个名字,可翻译为卡伦·穆德。卡伦·穆德是一位荷兰籍的超模,曾经在xx年代的时候活跃于时尚界,拥有多次登上《时尚》杂志封面的经历。

以下是9个含有'Karen Mulder'的例句:

1. Karen Mulder is a Dutch model known for her striking beauty.(卡伦·穆德是一位荷兰模特,以其惊人的美貌而闻名。)

2. Karen Mulder has walked the runway for many high-end fashion brands.(卡伦·穆德曾为许多高端时尚品牌走过T台。)

3. Many people still remember Karen Mulder's iconic poses and stunning looks.(许多人仍然记得卡伦·穆德的标志性姿势和惊艳的外表。)

4. In the 90s, Karen Mulder was one of the most sought-after models in the fashion industry.(在xx年代,卡伦·穆德是时尚界最受追捧的模特之一。)

5. Karen Mulder has graced the covers of many fashion magazines throughout her career.(卡伦·穆德在其职业生涯中登上了许多时尚杂志封面。)

6. Many aspiring models look up to Karen Mulder as a role model in the fashion industry.(许多有抱负的模特把卡伦·穆德作为时尚界的榜样。)

7. Karen Mulder's unique look and fierce runway walk set her apart from other models.(卡伦·穆德独特的外貌和强势的T台步伐让她脱颖而出。)

8. Karen Mulder's legacy as a top model continues to inspire young women in the fashion industry.(卡伦·穆德作为顶级模特的遗产继续启发着时尚界的年轻女性。)

9. Karen Mulder's influence on the fashion industry can still be seen today, long after she retired from modeling.(即使在卡伦·穆德退役多年后,她对时尚界的影响仍然可以看到。)

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