Coleophora 是拉丁语词汇,意为“穿衣虫”。它是昆虫界中一种以幼虫形态穿着丝绸袋并进行食物寄生活的昆虫。由于这种昆虫在欧洲、亚洲、非洲等地区广泛分布,因此在全球范围内也被广泛应用。
1. Coleophora 这种昆虫通常在冬天的枝干和苔藓中寄生。
Coleophora insects usually parasitize on branches and mosses during winter.
2. 这个农民为了打击 Coleophora 昆虫,使用了一种天然的生防菌剂。
The farmer used a natural biocontrol agent to combat Coleophora insects.
3. Coleophora fuscedinella 是一种国际上广泛分布于欧洲和北非的穿衣虫。
Coleophora fuscedinella is a clothes moth that is widely distributed throughout Europe and North Africa.
4. Coleophora laricella 常常被认为是松树枯枝的主要害虫之一。
Coleophora laricella is often regarded as one of the main pests of dead branches of pine trees.
5. 我们正在进行 Coleophora 昆虫的研究,以了解它们对生态系统的影响。
We are conducting research on Coleophora insects to understand their impact on the ecosystem.
6. 手术用药物中,Methoxyfenozide 被用于控制 Coleophora 种群的增长。
Methoxyfenozide is used in surgical drugs to control the growth of Coleophora populations.
7. 主要产生于树干的 Coleophora 属昆虫可通过植物群体来实现传播。
Coleophora insects mainly produced on trunks can be transmitted through plant populations.
8. 这个地区 Coleophora 昆虫数目的急剧增加引起了当地农民的担忧。
The sharp increase in the number of Coleophora insects in the area has caused concerns among local farmers.
9. 这个学院在本月的课程中将全面介绍 Coleophora 昆虫的生物学和生态特征。
The academy will provide a comprehensive overview of the biology and ecological characteristics of Coleophora insects in this month's course.