1. The company is sponsoring a charity event to raise funds for underprivileged children. 这家公司正在赞助一项慈善活动,为贫困儿童筹集资金。
2. The university is sponsoring a research project on climate change. 这个大学正在资助一项有关气候变化的研究项目。
3. The government is sponsoring a program to encourage entrepreneurship among young people. 政府正在资助一个鼓励年轻人创业的计划。
4. The sports brand is sponsoring a professional athlete. 这个运动品牌正在赞助一位职业运动员。
5. The film festival is sponsored by a major television network. 这个电影节是由一家主要电视网络赞助的。
6. The concert was sponsored by a local radio station. 这场音乐会是由一家当地广播电台赞助的。
7. The fashion show was sponsored by a luxury fashion brand. 这个时装秀是由一个奢侈品时装品牌赞助的。
8. The art exhibition is being sponsored by a group of local businesses. 这个艺术展览是由一群当地企业赞助的。
9. The conference is being sponsored by an international organization. 这个会议是由一个国际组织赞助的。