Syagrus romanzoffianum是什么意思 Syagrus romanzoffianum的读音、翻译、用法

Syagrus romanzoffianum是什么意思 Syagrus romanzoffianum的读音、翻译、用法

'Syagrus romanzoffianum'是拉丁语,中文翻译为“罗曼佐夫椰子”。

'Syagrus romanzoffianum'是一种热带植物,属于棕榈科,主要生长在南美洲的巴西和阿根廷。这种植物高可达20米,树干直立,叶子羽状复叶,果实为圆形的椰子,外壳呈黄绿色。

以下是9个含有'Syagrus romanzoffianum'的例句:

1. A Syagrus romanzoffianum tree stood tall in the park.(一棵罗曼佐夫椰子树在公园高耸入云。)

2. The fruit of Syagrus romanzoffianum is popular for making coconut oil.(罗曼佐夫椰子的果实是制作椰子油的常用原料。)

3. I want to plant a Syagrus romanzoffianum in my backyard.(我想在后院种一棵罗曼佐夫椰子。)

4. Syagrus romanzoffianum is commonly used as an ornamental plant in landscaping.(罗曼佐夫椰子常用于园林景观设计中作为观赏植物。)

5. The Syagrus romanzoffianum trees swayed in the strong wind.(罗曼佐夫椰子树在强风中摇摆着。)

6. The Syagrus romanzoffianum leaves rustled in the breeze.(罗曼佐夫椰子的叶子在微风中沙沙作响。)

7. The Syagrus romanzoffianum is a slow-growing tree that requires lots of sunlight.(罗曼佐夫椰子是一种生长缓慢的树,需要充足的阳光。)

8. The Syagrus romanzoffianum is native to South America.(罗曼佐夫椰子原产于南美洲。)

9. The Syagrus romanzoffianum is a hardy palm tree that can withstand drought and poor soil conditions.(罗曼佐夫椰子是一种耐旱、耐贫瘠土壤的强健棕榈树。)

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