ergocalciferol是什么意思 ergocalciferol的读音、翻译、用法

ergocalciferol是什么意思 ergocalciferol的读音、翻译、用法



1. Ergocalciferol is commonly used to treat rickets in infants. (麦角钙化醇通常用于治疗婴儿佝偻病。)

2. Ergocalciferol is a vitamin D2 supplement that is often prescribed by doctors. (麦角钙化醇是一种维生素D2补充剂,常由医生开处方。)

3. Ergocalciferol can help improve bone health and prevent osteoporosis. (麦角钙化醇可以帮助改善骨骼健康并预防骨质疏松症。)

4. Taking ergocalciferol supplements can help increase the absorption of calcium in the body. (服用麦角钙化醇补充剂可以帮助提高身体对钙的吸收。)

5. Ergocalciferol is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it should be taken with a meal containing fats. (麦角钙化醇是一种脂溶性维生素,这意味着它应该与含有脂肪的餐食一同食用。)

6. Patients with kidney disease may require a higher dosage of ergocalciferol. (肾脏疾病患者可能需要更高剂量的麦角钙化醇。)

7. Ergocalciferol can also be obtained from certain foods, such as mushrooms and fortified cereals. (麦角钙化醇也可以从某些食物中获得,例如蘑菇和强化谷类食品。)

8. Pregnant women may be prescribed ergocalciferol to ensure sufficient levels of vitamin D for both mother and baby. (孕妇可能会被开具麦角钙化醇,以确保母亲和婴儿都有足够的维生素D水平。)

9. Ergocalciferol is just one of several forms of vitamin D that can be found in supplements and fortified foods. (麦角钙化醇只是补充剂和强化食品中可以找到的多种维生素D形式之一。)

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