'Silene cucubalus'是拉丁语,中文翻译为“晚香玉”。它是一种常见的草本植物,具有清香的气味和白色的花朵。在草药学中,晚香玉被用于治疗消化不良、睡眠问题和神经系统失调等问题。
以下是9个含有“Silene cucubalus”的例句:
1. Silene cucubalus has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for digestive problems.(Silene cucubalus已经被用作自然治疗消化问题的方法几个世纪了。)
2. The delicate white flowers of Silene cucubalus bloom in the late spring and early summer.(Silene cucubalus的娇嫩白色花朵在晚春和初夏绽放。)
3. In traditional medicine, Silene cucubalus was used to treat a variety of ailments, from headaches to anxiety.(在传统医学中,Silene cucubalus被用于治疗各种疾病,从头痛到焦虑。)
4. Some people believe that drinking Silene cucubalus tea before bed can promote restful sleep.(有些人认为在睡前喝Silene cucubalus茶可以促进安眠。)
5. Silene cucubalus is a favorite of gardeners because of its fragrant blooms and attractive foliage.(Silene cucubalus因其芳香的花朵和吸引人的叶子而受到园丁的喜爱。)
6. The dried leaves and flowers of Silene cucubalus can be steeped in hot water to make a soothing herbal tea.(干燥的Silene cucubalus叶子和花朵可以用热水浸泡制成舒缓的草药茶。)
7. Silene cucubalus is often used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and ease stress.(Silene cucubalus经常用于芳香疗法中,以促进放松和缓解压力。)
8. The roots of Silene cucubalus are sometimes used in traditional medicine to treat skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.(Silene cucubalus的根有时用于传统医学中,以治疗像湿疹和牛皮癣等皮肤疾病。)
9. Silene cucubalus is also known as night-scented catchfly due to its sweet fragrance that blooms at night.(Silene cucubalus也被称为夜香石竹,因为它的香气在夜间绽放。)