1. Acipenser sturgeon can live for more than 100 years. (拉丁语:Acipenser sturgeon可以生活超过xx年。)
2. These Acipenser species are native to the Danube River. (拉丁语:这些Acipenser物种是多瑙河的本土物种。)
3. The largest Acipenser species, the beluga sturgeon, can grow up to 7 meters in length. (拉丁语:最大的Acipenser物种-鲟鱼可以长到7米长。)
4. Acipenser transmontanus is also known as the white sturgeon. (拉丁语:Acipenser transmontanus也被称为白鲟鱼。)
5. The meat of Acipenser gueldenstaedtii is highly prized for its caviar. (拉丁语:Acipenser gueldenstaedtii的肉因其鱼子酱而备受推崇。)
6. Acipenser oxyrinchus is commonly known as the Atlantic sturgeon. (拉丁语:Acipenser oxyrinchus通常被称为大西洋鲟鱼。)
7. The eggs of Acipenser baerii are smaller and less expensive than those of other sturgeon species. (拉丁语:Acipenser baerii的鸟蛋比其他鲟鱼物种的鸟蛋要小,价格也更便宜。)
8. Acipenser fulvescens is a familiar sight to fishermen on the Great Lakes. (拉丁语:对于五大湖的渔民来说,Acipenser fulvescens是一个熟悉的景象。)
9. The Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, is critically endangered. (拉丁语:中国鲟鱼- Acipenser sinensis处于极度危险之中。)