1. Stereum hirsutum grows on dead wood and causes a white rot that results in a soft, spongy wood with a stringy texture.(Stereum hirsutum生长在死木上,引起白色腐烂,导致软绵绵的木材,纹理线状。)
2. The fruiting bodies of Stereum ostrea can be found growing on dead or dying hardwood trees.(Stereum ostrea的子实体可在死亡或濒临死亡的硬木树上生长。)
3. Stereum sanguinolentum is a species of wood-decaying fungus that causes a brown rot in hardwoods.(Stereum sanguinolentum是一种木材腐朽真菌,可导致硬木发生棕色腐烂。)
4. Stereum subtomentosum is commonly found on the underside of dead or living hardwood branches.(Stereum subtomentosum常生长在死亡或活着的硬木枝条的底部。)
5. The wood-decaying fungi Stereum gausapatum and Hyphoderma setigerum were found to be responsible for the deterioration of wooden art objects.(木材腐朽真菌Stereum gausapatum和Hyphoderma setigerum被发现是木制艺术品破坏的原因。)
6. The fruiting bodies of Stereum rameale can be found growing on the bark of hardwood trees.(Stereum rameale的子实体可在硬木树皮上生长。)
7. The wood decaying fungi Stereum chrysoloma and Trametes versicolor were isolated from decayed wood in a forest.(木材腐朽真菌Stereum chrysoloma和Trametes versicolor被从森林腐朽的木材中分离出来。)
8. Stereum rugosum forms a brownish-yellow, leathery film that is often found on the surface of dead wood.(Stereum rugosum形成一层棕黄色的皮革状膜,常出现在死木表面。)
9. The wood-decaying fungi Stereum hirsutum and Phlebia radiata were identified in a study of fungal communities in tree boles.(木材腐朽真菌Stereum hirsutum和Phlebia radiata在研究树干真菌群落时被鉴定出来。)