ingestion是什么意思 ingestion的读音、翻译、用法

ingestion是什么意思 ingestion的读音、翻译、用法



1. Ingestion of contaminated water can lead to serious health problems.(摄入受污染的水会导致严重的健康问题。)

2. This medicine is meant for oral ingestion only.(这种药物只能口服。)

3. The process of digestion begins with ingestion of food.(消化过程始于食物的摄入。)

4. Over-ingestion of certain vitamins can have negative effects on one's health.(过量摄入某些维生素会对健康产生负面影响。)

5. The study aimed to investigate the effects of binge drinking on the ingestion of calories.(这项研究旨在探究暴饮暴食对热量摄入的影响。)

6. The company had to recall the product due to a labeling error that failed to warn customers of potential harmful side effects upon ingestion.(由于标签上的错误,未能警告顾客避免可能的有害副作用,该公司不得不召回产品。)

7. The ingestion of certain foods can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.(某些食物的摄入可能会导致某些人过敏反应。)

8. The researchers found that the ingestion of caffeine before a workout can improve athletic performance.(研究人员发现锻炼前摄入咖啡因可以提高运动表现。)

9. It is important to read the label carefully before ingestion to ensure proper dosage and avoid potential side effects.(为了确保正确的剂量并避免潜在的副作用,在摄入前仔细阅读标签很重要。)

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