1. Sporozoa是一种具有复杂生命周期的原生动物。
(Sporozoa is a type of protist with a complex life cycle.)
2. 疟原虫是属于孢子虫门的一种寄生虫。
(Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, is a type of protozoan belonging to the phylum Sporozoa.)
3. Sporozoa通常通过宿主的血液或组织传播。
(Sporozoans are often transmitted through the blood or tissues of a host.)
4. 在孢子虫门中,产生模因的类球虫是一种很常见的寄生虫。
(Cryptosporidium, which can cause cryptosporidiosis, is a common parasitic Sporozoan.)
5. Sporozoa通常具有复杂的生命周期和繁殖方式。
(Sporozoans typically have complex life cycles and modes of reproduction.)
6. 疟原虫是孢子虫门中最为致命的寄生虫之一。
(Plasmodium is one of the deadliest parasites in the phylum Sporozoa.)
7. Sporozoa之间的分类关系一直是一个研究热点。
(The taxonomic relationships between different Sporozoans have long been a subject of study.)
8. 由于孢子虫门中的很多物种是寄生虫,因此它们对人类和动物健康造成了重大威胁。
(Because many species in the phylum Sporozoa are parasites, they pose significant threats to human and animal health.)
9. 通过对孢子虫门的研究,人们可以更好地理解这些寄生虫的生命周期和感染过程。
(Studying Sporozoans can help us better understand the life cycles and infection processes of these parasites.)