business angel是什么意思 business angel的读音、翻译、用法

business angel是什么意思 business angel的读音、翻译、用法

'business angel'是英国语言,可以翻译为“商业天使”。这个词语指的是愿意为新兴公司提供资金和经验支持的富裕个人投资者。商业天使一般在新兴公司刚创立时提供资金和经验支持,帮助它们在市场上生存和壮大。商业天使一般会在新兴企业的管理层中拥有一定的股份,以便在企业成功时获得更大的回报。商业天使也可以在企业未来融资时提供帮助,引入更多的投资者。以下是9个含有这个词语的例句:

1. Business angels invest their money in startup companies in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt.


2. The company secured a significant investment from a group of business angels.


3. With the help of a business angel, the startup was able to develop and launch their product.


4. Many business angels are entrepreneurs themselves and have experience in building successful companies.


5. Business angels may provide mentorship, networks, and strategic guidance in addition to funding.


6. The business angel invested in the company at an early stage and helped it grow into a profitable business.


7. Business angels often interest in the success of the companies they invest in.


8. Some business angels prefer to invest in specific industries or regions where they have expertise or connections.


9. The business angel offered valuable feedback on the company's business model and helped refine their strategy.


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