1. Qimonda的DRAM芯片在市场上享有很高的声誉。Qimonda的DRAM chips enjoy high reputation in the market.
2. 新一代Qimonda芯片已经成功研制。The new generation of Qimonda chips has been successfully developed.
3. Qimonda在行业内被认为是一家创新型企业。Qimonda is regarded as an innovative enterprise in the industry.
4. Qimonda的经营理念是为客户提供最好的产品。Qimonda's business philosophy is to provide the best products for customers.
5. Qimonda公司已经走在了半导体技术的前沿。Qimonda has been at the forefront of semiconductor technology.
6. Qimonda产品的质量一直是行业标准。Qimonda's product quality has always been the industry standard.
7. Qimonda在全球范围内拥有广泛的客户群。Qimonda has a wide customer base worldwide.
8. Qimonda公司的目标是成为行业的领导者。Qimonda's goal is to become a leader in the industry.
9. Qimonda公司将继续推动半导体技术的创新发展。Qimonda will continue to promote innovative development in semiconductor technology.