'Darwin'并不是一个语言,而是一个名字。这个名字来自于英国科学家查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin),他是进化论的创立者,对生物学和自然科学做出了巨大贡献。常见的翻译有达尔文、达尔文思想、达尔文主义等。下面提供9个含有‘Darwin’的例句:
1. The theory of evolution by natural selection was first proposed by Charles Darwin.(进化论自然选择理论最初由查尔斯·达尔文提出。)
2. Darwin's finches are a group of birds that evolved on the Galápagos Islands.(达尔文雀是在加拉帕戈斯群岛上进化出来的一类鸟。)
3. The Darwin Awards commemorate those who die in the most ridiculous and idiotic ways possible.(达尔文奖纪念那些以最可笑和最愚蠢的方式死亡的人。)
4. The Darwinian view of life suggests that survival of the fittest is the driving force of evolution.(达尔文生命观认为,适者生存是进化的驱动力。)
5. Darwin's theories posed a challenge to traditional religious beliefs about the origin of life.(达尔文的理论对传统宗教信仰有关生命起源的理论提出了挑战。)
6. Many people misinterpret Darwin's ideas as a justification for harsh social policies.(许多人误解达尔文的思想,将其解释为对严厉社会政策的辩护。)
7. Darwin's book, On the Origin of Species, caused a storm of controversy when it was first published.(达尔文的《物种起源》一书在首次出版时引起了一场争议风暴。)
8. Some critics argue that Darwin's theories lack empirical evidence to support them.(一些批评家认为,达尔文的理论缺乏实证证据支持。)
9. Darwin once said, "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."(达尔文曾经说过:“生物的生存不是由最强壮的个体或最聪明的个体决定的,而是取决于哪个个体对变化作出反应最积极。”)