' Ostertagia circumcincta'是英语中的词语,可以翻译为“环绕 Ostertagia”,它是一种生存在绵羊胃中的寄生虫。这种虫子会产生明显的胃肠炎,导致绵羊的食欲下降、生长缓慢和体重减轻。这个词语通常在动物学和畜牧业中使用,用于描述绵羊胃中的一种寄生虫。
1. Ostertagia circumcincta是一种常见的绵羊胃寄生虫,会影响绵羊的健康和生产能力。
(英文原句:Ostertagia circumcincta is a common stomach parasite in sheep that affects their health and productivity.)
2. 研究表明,Ostertagia circumcincta主要通过感染草料和环境传播。
(英文原句:Research shows that Ostertagia circumcincta is primarily spread through infected feed and the environment.)
3. 绵羊饲养者需要定期检查他们的动物是否受到Ostertagia circumcincta的感染。
(英文原句:Sheep farmers need to regularly check their animals for infection with Ostertagia circumcincta.)
4. 预防Ostertagia circumcincta感染的最佳方法是定期驱虫和保持环境清洁。
(英文原句:The best way to prevent infection with Ostertagia circumcincta is through regular deworming and maintaining a clean environment.)
5. Ostertagia circumcincta感染会导致绵羊出现消瘦和贫血的症状。
(英文原句:Infection with Ostertagia circumcincta can cause symptoms of emaciation and anemia in sheep.)
6. 这种寄生虫的生命周期包括在绵羊胃中产卵和幼虫孵化,然后再通过口、鼻和皮肤被草料和环境中的寄主吸入。
(英文原句:The life cycle of this parasite includes laying eggs and hatching larvae in the sheep's stomach, which are then ingested by hosts through the mouth, nose, and skin from infected feed and the environment.)
7. 在感染Ostertagia circumcincta的绵羊中,胃肠系统中的粘液层会受到破坏,导致胃酸对胃壁的伤害。
(英文原句:In sheep infected with Ostertagia circumcincta, the mucous layer in the gastrointestinal system is damaged, leading to the erosion of the stomach wall by stomach acid.)
8. 兽医建议饲养者定期进行驱虫,以预防Ostertagia circumcincta等寄生虫的感染。
(英文原句:Veterinarians recommend regular deworming to prevent infection with parasites such as Ostertagia circumcincta.)
9. 绵羊在感染Ostertagia circumcincta后会出现下腹部的肿胀和腹泻等症状。
(英文原句:Sheep infected with Ostertagia circumcincta may experience symptoms such as abdominal swelling and diarrhea.)