1. Epichloe endophytes have been widely studied for their ecological and agricultural benefits.(Epichloe菌蕈的生态和农业利益已经得到广泛研究。)
2. The symbiosis between Epichloe festucae and tall fescue grass is well established.(Epichloe菌与高羊茅草的共生关系已经得到确认。)
3. Epichloe-infected grasses are known to resist drought and insect damage better than non-infected grasses.(感染Epichloe的草类植物比未感染的草类植物更能抵抗干旱和虫害。)
4. Epichloe coenophiala is a widespread endophytic fungus in the grass family.(Epichloe coenophiala是草科中分布广泛的内生真菌。)
5. The use of Epichloe endophytes in agriculture has become an important research topic in recent years.(近年来Epichloe内生菌在农业中的应用已成为重要的研究课题。)
6. Epichloe-infected grasses are also known to have a higher tolerance to heat stress.(感染Epichloe的草类植物也较能耐受高温压力。)
7. The study of Epichloe endophytes has led to the development of new methods for controlling insect pests.(对Epichloe内生真菌的研究已经催生了新的控制害虫的方法。)
8. Epichloe-infected grasses have been found to contain higher levels of certain beneficial compounds.(发现感染Epichloe的草类植物含有更高水平的一些有益化合物。)
9. The role of Epichloe endophytes in promoting grass growth and improving soil quality is still being studied.(Epichloe内生真菌在促进草类植物生长和改善土壤质量方面的作用仍在研究中。)