Leo Frankel是奥地利人名。Leo Frankel(1825-1894)是奥地利经济学家,他对经济学思想的发展及其应用做出了重要贡献,被誉为"国际劳动组织之父"。
含有Leo Frankel的例句:
1. Leo Frankel是奥地利经济学家之一,他对劳动问题的研究影响了国际劳动组织。
Leo Frankel was one of the Austrian economists, whose research on labor issues has influenced the International Labour Organization.
2. 阿尔弗雷德·马歇尔、威廉·斯坦利·杰文斯、瓦尔特·福克、雷欧·弗兰克尔等人,都是经济学界的领袖。
Alfred Marshall, William Stanley Jevons, Walther von Wieser, Leo Frankel and others are leaders in the field of economics.
3. Leo Frankel对于生产力和劳动力之间的关系有着深刻的见解。
Leo Frankel has a profound understanding of the relationship between productivity and labor.
4. 奥地利学派的代表人物之一是Leo Frankel,他的理论被广泛运用在经济学研究中。
Leo Frankel, one of the representatives of the Austrian School, has widely applied his theories in economic research.
5. Leo Frankel的研究成果为国际经济发展提供了有益的经验。
Leo Frankel's research results have provided useful experience for international economic development.
6. 国际劳动组织成立于xx年,是根据Leo Frankel的思想创建的。
The International Labour Organization was established in 1919 based on the ideas of Leo Frankel.
7. Leo Frankel的理论受到了国际劳动组织的高度赞赏和应用。
Leo Frankel's theory has gained high appreciation and application from the International Labour Organization.
8. Leo Frankel对社会保障和社会福利制度的发展提出了许多宝贵的建议。
Leo Frankel has proposed many valuable suggestions for the development of social security and welfare systems.
9. 国际劳动组织将Leo Frankel的思想融入了自己的宪章,这一点在世界范围内得到了广泛认可。
The International Labour Organization has incorporated Leo Frankel's ideas into its charter, which has been widely recognized worldwide.