Leopold Stokowski这个词语来源于英语,他是一位著名的指挥家。常见的翻译有勃艮第人、斯托科夫斯基等。
以下是9个含有Leopold Stokowski的例句:
1. Leopold Stokowski was an influential conductor of the 20th century.(Leopold Stokowski是20世纪有影响力的指挥家。)
2. Stokowski was known for his unconventional conducting style.(Stokowski以他非传统的指挥风格而闻名。)
3. The Philadelphia Orchestra reached new heights under Stokowski's leadership.(在Stokowski的领导下,费城管弦乐团取得了新的高度。)
4. Stokowski's collaborations with Walt Disney resulted in the groundbreaking film Fantasia.(Stokowski与华特·迪士尼的合作导致了开创性的电影《幻想曲》。)
5. Stokowski was a visionary who constantly pushed the boundaries of classical music.(Stokowski是一个有远见的人,不断推动古典音乐的界限。)
6. Fans of Stokowski's conducting style praise his ability to create a rich and powerful sound.(喜欢Stokowski的指挥风格的粉丝赞扬他创造丰富而强大的音效的能力。)
7. Stokowski was a conductor who was not afraid to take risks and experiment with different approaches to music.(Stokowski是一个不害怕冒险,并尝试不同音乐方法的指挥家。)
8. Stokowski's reputation as a conductor was cemented by his performances of works by contemporary composers.(Stokowski作为指挥家的声誉是通过他演奏当代作曲家的作品而确立的。)
9. Stokowski's legacy lives on through his recordings and the impact he had on the world of classical music.(Stokowski的遗产通过他的录音和他对古典音乐世界的影响而延续下来。)