Diplostomum是什么意思 Diplostomum的读音、翻译、用法

Diplostomum是什么意思 Diplostomum的读音、翻译、用法




1. Diplostomum spp. is a common parasite of freshwater fish.(双口属虫是淡水鱼类常见的寄生虫。)

2. The prevalence of Diplostomum infection varies across different regions.(双口属虫感染在不同地区的流行率有所不同。)

3. The life cycle of Diplostomum requires both intermediate and definitive hosts.(双口属虫的生命周期需要中间宿主和终宿主。)

4. Diplostomum larvae can cause severe damage to the eyes of their hosts.(双口属虫的幼虫会对宿主的眼睛造成严重的损伤。)

5. Diplostomum infection can lead to reduced growth and reproductive success in fish populations.(双口属虫感染会导致鱼群的生长和繁殖能力下降。)

6. The life history of Diplostomum is complex and involves several developmental stages.(双口属虫的生活史复杂,涉及几个不同的发育阶段。)

7. Diplostomum metacercariae can be found in the muscles and organs of their fish hosts.(双口属虫的成虫可以在鱼类宿主的肌肉和器官中找到。)

8. Diplostomum infection is a significant problem in aquaculture and fishery management.(双口属虫感染在水产养殖和渔业管理中是一个重要问题。)

9. Diplostomum species are known to infect a wide range of fish species in freshwater ecosystems.(双口属虫可以感染淡水生态系统中广泛的鱼类物种。)

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