1. 翻译:旋转的,轮流的
用法:通常用于描述物体或运动的状态,如revolving door(旋转门)、revolving wheel(旋转轮)、revolving restaurant(旋转餐厅)等。
1. The revolving door kept spinning, allowing people to enter and exit the building.(那扇旋转门不停地旋转着,让人们进出建筑。)
2. The revolving chair in my office allows me to face different directions without having to move the chair.(我办公室里的旋转椅可以让我面对不同的方向而不必移动椅子。)
3. The planets are constantly revolving around the sun.(行星不断地围绕太阳旋转。)
4. The carousel at the amusement park features a revolving platform with horses for kids to ride on.(游乐园里的旋转木马有一个旋转的平台,孩子们可以骑上木马。)
5. The company has a revolving credit line, which allows them to borrow and repay money as needed.(公司有一条可转让的信贷额度,允许他们根据需要借款和还款。)
6. The bookshelf in my room has a revolving mechanism, so I can easily access all the books without having to move the shelf.(我房间的书架有一个旋转机制,所以我可以轻松地查看所有的书,而不必移动书架。)
7. The rotating restaurant on top of the tower offers a panoramic view of the city.(塔顶上的旋转餐厅提供城市的全景。)
8. The revolving stage allowed for quick scene changes during the play.(旋转舞台在剧中允许快速地进行场景转换。)
9. The revolving loan fund provides financing for small businesses that would not otherwise qualify for traditional bank loans.(可转债券资金为小企业提供融资,这些企业原本不符合传统银行贷款的要求。)