Quercus robur是什么意思 Quercus robur的读音、翻译、用法

Quercus robur是什么意思 Quercus robur的读音、翻译、用法

'Quercus robur'是拉丁语,中文翻译为英国橡树。它是欧洲最大的橡树品种,也是英国的国树之一。这种树木形态高大,可达40米以上,树冠宽大而茂密,树皮灰色,枝干粗硬,叶子呈波浪状,枫叶形,绿色或褐色。'Quercus robur'是一种耐寒耐旱的树种,能适应各种环境和土壤。它被广泛用于制造家具、地板、建筑材料和酒桶等。

9个含有'Quercus robur'的例句:

1. The 'Quercus robur' is a common sight in the British countryside.(英国橡树是英国乡村常见的景象。)

2. The wood from the 'Quercus robur' is highly prized for its strength and durability.(英国橡木木材因其强度和耐久性而备受重视。)

3. The acorns from the 'Quercus robur' are a valuable food source for many animals.(英国橡树的橡果是许多动物的重要食物来源。)

4. The 'Quercus robur' is a symbol of strength and longevity in many cultures.(英国橡树在许多文化中是力量和长寿的象征。)

5. The leaves of the 'Quercus robur' turn a beautiful shade of red in the autumn.(英国橡树的叶子在秋季变成美丽的红色。)

6. Many old estates in England have avenues of 'Quercus robur' leading up to the main house.(英格兰许多古老的庄园都有通往主屋的英国橡树林荫道。)

7. The 'Quercus robur' is known for its hard, dense wood that is difficult to work with.(英国橡树以其坚硬而密实的木材而闻名,这种木材很难加工。)

8. The 'Quercus robur' is a popular choice for landscaping due to its impressive size and beautiful foliage.(英国橡树由于其壮观的大小和美丽的叶子而成为园林景观设计的热门选择。)

9. In ancient Celtic mythology, the 'Quercus robur' was believed to possess magical powers and was worshipped as a sacred tree.(在古代凯尔特神话中,英国橡树被认为具有神奇的力量,并被奉为神圣的树木。)

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