'pachydiplosis oryzae'是英语词语,中文译为稻缘蝇。
以下是9个含有'pachydiplosis oryzae'的例句:
1. Pachydiplosis oryzae是稻田害虫之一,它在所有的生长阶段都会在稻叶上进行食物和生长。
(Translation: Pachydiplosis oryzae is one of the pests in rice fields, and it feeds and grows on rice leaves at all stages of growth.)
2. 稻缘蝇已经成为当地稻农的严重问题。
(Translation: Pachydiplosis oryzae has become a serious problem for local rice farmers.)
3. 稻缘蝇卵通常孵化在水稻叶片的背面。
(Translation: Pachydiplosis oryzae eggs usually hatch on the back of rice leaves.)
4. 稻缘蝇的幼虫会在水稻叶片上挖出小孔进行食物和生长。
(Translation: The larvae of Pachydiplosis oryzae will dig small holes on rice leaves for food and growth.)
5. 农民可以通过喷洒杀虫剂来控制稻缘蝇的数量。
(Translation: Farmers can control the number of Pachydiplosis oryzae by spraying insecticides.)
6. 稻缘蝇对稻米的产量和质量有很大的影响。
(Translation: Pachydiplosis oryzae has a great impact on the yield and quality of rice.)
7. 在稻田中,稻缘蝇是一种非常常见的害虫。
(Translation: In rice fields, Pachydiplosis oryzae is a very common pest.)
8. 稻缘蝇成虫寿命通常只有几天。
(Translation: The lifespan of adult Pachydiplosis oryzae is usually only a few days.)
9. 稻缘蝇的数量会影响稻米的市场价格。
(Translation: The number of Pachydiplosis oryzae will affect the market price of rice.)