1. Mulan是一位英雄,她为了国家,为了家族,战胜了种种困难。
Mulan is a hero. She overcame all kinds of difficulties for the country and her family.
2. Mulan是一部中国古代文学名著,讲述了女子木兰代父从军的故事。
Mulan is a Chinese classical literature masterpiece that tells the story of Mulan, a woman who enlisted in the army in place of her father.
3. Mulan战胜了匈奴,成为了国家的英雄。
Mulan defeated the Huns and became a hero of the country.
4. Mulan的故事是一部关于女性的力量和勇气的传奇。
The story of Mulan is a legend about the power and courage of women.
5. Disney的电影《花木兰》讲述了Mulan的故事。
Disney's movie 'Mulan' tells the story of Mulan.
6. Mulan是一个有着坚定信念的女性,她的故事鼓舞了许多人。
Mulan is a woman with strong beliefs, and her story has inspired many people.
7. Mulan的形象塑造了中国文化中坚强、勇敢、无畏的形象。
Mulan's image embodies the strong, brave, and fearless spirit of Chinese culture.
8. Mulan代表了女性的力量和智慧,她的故事在世界各地广为流传。
Mulan represents the power and wisdom of women, and her story has been widely spread around the world.
9. Mulan是一个永恒的经典,她的故事在不同时代和地区都能引发共鸣。
Mulan is an everlasting classic, and her story resonates with people in different times and regions.