1. The perfume was made with extracts of styrax.(这种香水是用雪松香精制成的。)
2. The bark of the styrax tree is used in traditional medicine.(雪松香树的树皮被用于传统医学。)
3. The styrax candles filled the room with their sweet fragrance.(雪松香蜡烛散发出甜美的香气,充满了房间。)
4. The soap was scented with styrax oil.(这个肥皂采用雪松香油作为香料。)
5. The styrax incense was burned to purify the air.(点燃雪松香熏香来净化空气。)
6. The styrax resin is used in perfumery.(雪松香树脂在香水制作中被使用。)
7. Styrax has been used as a natural remedy for centuries.(雪松香已经被用作天然药物数百年。)
8. The styrax tree is known for its beautiful white flowers.(雪松香树以其美丽的白色花朵而闻名。)
9. The styrax extract is a popular additive in the cosmetic industry.(雪松香提取物是化妆品行业中受欢迎的添加剂。)