1. I always start my day with a cup of Nescafe. 我总是用一杯雀巢咖啡开始我的一天。
2. Would you like a Nescafe or a freshly brewed coffee? 你想要一杯雀巢咖啡还是一杯新鲜煮的咖啡3. The Nescafe instant coffee is so convenient to make. 雀巢即溶咖啡非常方便制作。
4. I prefer the taste of Nescafe over other instant coffees. 我喜欢雀巢咖啡的味道胜过其他即溶咖啡。
5. Nescafe is my go-to coffee brand when I am travelling. 在旅行时,雀巢咖啡是我的首选品牌。
6. I love adding a spoonful of Nescafe to my baking recipes. 我喜欢在烘焙食谱中加入一勺雀巢咖啡。
7. Nescafe Gold is a premium blend of coffee beans. 雀巢金牌咖啡是一种高级的咖啡豆混合物。
8. My office always has a jar of Nescafe for the coffee break. 我的办公室总是有一罐雀巢咖啡。
9. The Nescafe Dolce Gusto machine makes delicious coffee with just a push of a button. 雀巢多乐士咖啡机只需按一下按钮,就可以制作美味的咖啡。