ogham是什么意思 ogham的读音、翻译、用法

ogham是什么意思 ogham的读音、翻译、用法

1. Ogham是一种古老的爱尔兰文字,用于刻写盎格鲁-撒克逊语言。(Ogham is an ancient Irish script used to write the Anglo-Saxon language.)

2. Ogham最初是用于记忆便于步行或骑马横跨广阔的区域,如爱尔兰岛。(Ogham was originally used to remember routes for walking or riding across vast areas, such as the Ireland island.)

3. Ogham是一个由直线或轻微弯曲的符号组成的字母表,这些符号在垂直的石柱上刻下。(Ogham is an alphabet composed of straight or slightly curved symbols that are carved onto vertical stone pillars.)

4. Ogham的起源可以追溯到公元前4世纪。(The Ogham script can be traced back to the 4th century BC.)

5. Ogham通常被认为是爱尔兰的一种文化遗产,它也被广泛用于威尔士和苏格兰。(Ogham is commonly seen as a cultural heritage of Ireland, but it has also been widely used in Wales and Scotland.)

6. 在Ogham中,每个符号代表一个音素。(In Ogham, each symbol represents a phoneme.)

7. 许多学者认为Ogham是一种神秘的文字,可能与神秘主义、魔法和咒语有关。(Many scholars believe that Ogham is a mystical script, possibly connected to mysticism, magic, and spells.)

8. Ogham在20世纪xx年代以前,几乎被遗忘,但随着爱尔兰文化的复兴,它再度受到关注。(Ogham was almost forgotten until the 1950s, but with the revival of Irish culture, it has gained renewed attention.)

9. 现今,Ogham通常被用于艺术和文化领域,如珠宝制作和装饰品设计。(Today, Ogham is often used in the arts and culture, such as in jewelry making and decorative designs.)


1. Tairngire, fili, fae, 这些词汇在Ogham中表示为符号。(Tairngire, fili, fae, these words are represented by symbols in Ogham.)

2. 我们今天还发现了一些刻有Ogham符号的石碑。(We found some stone pillars with Ogham symbols carved on them today.)

3. 我的祖先使用Ogham作为他们的书写方式。(My ancestors used Ogham as their writing system.)

4. 他的名字让我想起了Ogham的一些符号。(His name reminds me of some of the symbols in Ogham.)

5. 在这座古老的城堡里,我们发现了一些刻有Ogham符号的岩石。(In this ancient castle, we found some rocks with Ogham symbols carved on them.)

6. 我学习了一些Ogham的基本知识,包括每个符号代表的音素。(I learned some basic knowledge of Ogham, including the phoneme that each symbol represents.)

7. Ogham的起源仍然是一个谜团,但是许多学者认为它与神秘主义有关。(The origin of Ogham remains a mystery, but many scholars believe it is connected to mysticism.)

8. 这个设计师用Ogham作为灵感来设计珠宝,使珠宝明显不同于其他品牌。(This designer used Ogham as inspiration to design jewelry that is noticeably distinct from other brands.)

9. 我很喜欢这个Ogham刻在石头上的装饰品,它让我想起了我的爱尔兰祖先。(I really like this ornament with Ogham carved on a stone, it reminds me of my Irish ancestors.)

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