diol是什么意思 diol的读音、翻译、用法

diol是什么意思 diol的读音、翻译、用法


1. Ethylene glycol is a diol commonly used as an antifreeze in automobile engines.(乙二醇是一种双醇,在汽车发动机中常用作防冻剂。)

2. The synthesis of a new diol compound was successfully achieved through a series of chemical reactions.(通过一系列化学反应,成功合成了一种新的双醇化合物。)

3. Diols are often used as building blocks in the production of polymers and plastics.(双醇常用作合成聚合物和塑料的构建单元。)

4. The diol group in this molecule is responsible for its strong hydrogen bonding capability.(这种分子中的双醇羟基是其强氢键能力的来源。)

5. The presence of diol molecules in the solution can enhance the solubility of certain hydrophobic compounds.(溶液中存在双醇分子可以增强某些疏水化合物的溶解度。)

6. Biodegradable polymers with diol units as the main backbone have attracted increasing attention in recent years.(以双醇单元为主要骨架的可生物降解聚合物近年来越来越受到关注。)

7. The formation of diols from alkenes and aldehydes is a common reaction in organic chemistry.(由烯烃和醛生成双醇是有机化学中的一种常见反应。)

8. The diol functional group in this compound makes it a potential candidate for use as a chelating agent.(这种化合物中的双醇官能团使其成为一种潜在的螯合剂候选物。)

9. By modifying the diol moiety of this compound, its biological activity could be significantly enhanced.(通过修改这种化合物中的双醇基团,可以显著增强其生物活性。)

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