'Du Mu'是汉语拼音,表示的是一个中国古代诗人的名字,翻译成英文是"Du Mu"。他是唐代著名的诗人,以写景抒情和战争题材的诗歌著称,其代表作有《登高》、《江南春》等。
以下是含有'Du Mu'的9个例句:
1. 杜牧(Du Mu)的诗歌充满诗意和情感,被誉为唐代抒情诗的代表。
Du Mu's poetry is full of poetic sentiment and emotion, and is regarded as the representative of Tang Dynasty lyrical poetry.
2. Du Mu的《登高》是一首描写江山如画的诗歌,被广为传诵。
Du Mu's "Ascending to the Height" is a poem that describes the picturesque scenery and is widely circulated.
3. 作为一名文学家,Du Mu的作品对中国古代文学影响巨大。
As a literary figure, Du Mu's works have a great influence on ancient Chinese literature.
4. Du Mu的诗歌以写实主义的手法展现出战争中的残酷和悲壮。
Du Mu's poetry shows the cruelty and tragedy of war in a realistic way.
5. Du Mu是唐朝文学史上最活跃的时期之一,为当时文化繁盛作出了贡献。
Du Mu was one of the most active periods in the literary history of the Tang Dynasty, making contributions to the flourishing culture of that time.
6. 探讨Du Mu的创作风格是了解唐代诗歌的重要途径之一。
Exploring Du Mu's creative style is one of the important ways to understand Tang poetry.
7. Du Mu所写的《卧春》是一首表现出对故乡思念的诗歌。
Du Mu's "Sleeping in Spring" is a poem that expresses the yearning for hometown.
8. Du Mu的作品有着丰富的意象和深刻的思想,受到了后世文学家的广泛赞誉。
Du Mu's works have rich images and profound thoughts, and have been widely praised by later literary figures.
9. Du Mu被誉为唐代最成功的诗人之一,他的作品至今仍被爱好者传诵。
Du Mu is regarded as one of the most successful poets of the Tang Dynasty, and his works are still popular among enthusiasts today.