1. A pint of beer before bedtime can help you sleep better, thanks to the tryptophol present in it.(喝一品脱啤酒可以帮助你更好地入睡,这要归功于其中存在的色氨酚醇。)
2. A study revealed that red wine contains tryptophol and other sleep-promoting substances, which can improve sleep quality.(一项研究显示,红酒含有色氨酚醇和其他促进睡眠的物质,可以改善睡眠质量。)
3. Tryptophol is formed by the breakdown of the amino acid tryptophan in the body.(色氨酚醇是在体内分解氨基酸色氨酸形成的。)
4. Tryptophol is also found in certain fermented foods, such as kimchi and sauerkraut.(色氨酚醇也存在于一些发酵食品中,如泡菜和酸菜。)
5. Some people believe that drinking warm milk before bed can help them sleep better, as milk contains tryptophol.(一些人认为睡前喝温牛奶可以帮助他们更好地入睡,因为牛奶含有色氨酚醇。)
6. Tryptophol has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in several studies.(多项研究表明,色氨酚醇具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。)
7. Tryptophol is a minor metabolite of alcohol and is responsible for some of the relaxation effects of alcoholic beverages.(色氨酚醇是酒精的一种次要代谢产物,负责一些酒精饮料的放松作用。)
8. Tryptophol is sometimes used in the perfume industry due to its pleasant, musky aroma.(由于其宜人的麝香气味,色氨酚醇有时被用于香水行业。)
9. In addition to promoting sleep, tryptophol may have other health benefits, such as improving mood and reducing anxiety.(除了促进睡眠,色氨酚醇可能还有其他的健康益处,如改善情绪和减少焦虑。)