1. Gastrophilus larvae can cause severe gastrointestinal discomfort in horses.(Gastrophilus幼虫会引起马匹严重的胃肠不适。)
2. The life cycle of Gastrophilus flies is closely tied to the digestive system of horses.(Gastrophilus苍蝇的生命周期与马匹的消化系统密切相关。)
3. It's important for horse owners to take preventative measures to control the spread of Gastrophilus larvae.(马主需要采取预防措施控制Gastrophilus幼虫的传播。)
4. If left untreated, Gastrophilus infestations can lead to weight loss, colic, and other health problems in horses.(如果不加治疗,Gastrophilus感染会导致马匹体重下降、腹部疼痛和其他健康问题。)
5. The Gastrophilus larvae attach themselves to the walls of the horse's stomach and feed on its mucous lining.(Gastrophilus幼虫会附着在马的胃壁上并以其黏膜为食。)
6. Some horse owners use natural remedies like garlic and apple cider vinegar to help repel Gastrophilus flies.(一些马主使用大蒜和苹果醋等天然疗法来帮助驱赶Gastrophilus苍蝇。)
7. Regular deworming is an effective way to control Gastrophilus and other parasites in horses.(定期驱虫是控制马匹Gastrophilus和其他寄生虫的有效方法。)
8. The Gastrophilus fly lays its eggs on the horse's coat, which the horse then ingests while grooming itself.(Gastrophilus苍蝇将其卵产在马的毛发上,马在梳理自己时吞食这些卵。)
9. In severe cases, Gastrophilus infestations can require veterinary intervention to treat the underlying health issues.(在严重情况下,Gastrophilus感染可能需要兽医干预来治疗潜在的健康问题。)