hadal是什么意思 hadal的读音、翻译、用法

hadal是什么意思 hadal的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'hadal'是英语词汇,用中文翻译为“海底”的意思。它常常被用来描述深海的极端环境和生物。

2. 使用方法:hadal通常作为形容词,用来描述海洋深处的特定环境和生物,如“hadal zone”(海洋深层区域)、“hadal trench”(海沟),“hadal fauna”(深海生物)等等。

3. 9个例句:

- The hadal zone is the deepest part of the ocean, extending from 6,000 to 36,000 feet below sea level.(“hadal zone”是海洋最深的地方,海平面以下6,000到36,000英尺。)

- The Mariana Trench is the world's most famous hadal trench, reaching a depth of nearly 36,070 feet.(马里亚纳海沟是世界上最著名的hadal海沟,深度近36,070英尺。)

- The hadal fauna includes a variety of unique and bizarre creatures that have adapted to survive in the extreme pressure and darkness of the deep sea.(hadal区域的生物包括多种适应极端压力和黑暗的独特和奇异的生物。)

- Many hadal species have evolved specialized features such as bioluminescence and large jaws to catch prey in the darkness of the deep sea.(许多hadal物种进化出了专门的特征,如发光和大嘴以在深海的黑暗中捕捉猎物。)

- Scientists are still exploring the mysteries and challenges of the hadal zone, using advanced technology to study its unique geology, biology, and chemistry.(科学家们仍在探索hadal区域的神秘和挑战,利用先进技术研究其独特的地质学、生物学和化学。)

- The hadal amphipod is a type of small crustacean that is found only in the deepest parts of the ocean.(hadal天蚕虫是一种小型甲壳动物,只在海洋最深处发现。)

- The hadal snailfish is one of the deepest-living fish species, found in the trenches of the Pacific Ocean.(hadal鳕鱼是最深生活的鱼类之一,分布于太平洋海沟。)

- The extreme conditions of the hadal zone pose significant challenges for underwater exploration and equipment development.(hadal区域的极端条件对水下探测和设备开发提出了重大挑战。)

- The hadal benthos is the community of organisms that live on or in the sediment at the bottom of the ocean trenches.(hadal底栖生物是生活在或在海洋海沟底部的沉积物上的生物群落。)

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