Corey Maggette是英语词汇,中文翻译为科瑞·马格特。
以下是9个含有“Corey Maggette”的例句:
1. Corey Maggette averaged 20 points per game in his prime.(科瑞·马格特巅峰期场均得分20分。)
2. The Los Angeles Clippers signed Corey Maggette as a free agent in 2000.(洛杉矶快船在xx年签下自由球员科瑞·马格特。)
3. Corey Maggette was selected 13th overall in the 1999 NBA draft by the Seattle SuperSonics.(xx年选秀,西雅图超音速队在首轮第13顺位选中科瑞·马格特。)
4. Injuries hampered Corey Maggette's career towards the end.(受伤在科瑞·马格特职业生涯末期对其产生了不小的影响。)
5. Corey Maggette was known for his powerful dunks and acrobatic layups.(科瑞·马格特以强悍的扣篮和灵巧的上篮著称。)
6. Corey Maggette scored a career-high 39 points in a game against the Miami Heat in 2011.(xx年面对迈阿密热火队,科瑞·马格特打出了职业生涯最高的39分。)
7. Despite his reputation as a scorer, Corey Maggette was also a solid rebounder and defender.(尽管以得分手著称,科瑞·马格特在篮板和防守方面也非常出色。)
8. Corey Maggette retired from basketball in 2017 after playing for 14 seasons.(在职业生涯中效力了14个赛季后,科瑞·马格特于xx年退役。)
9. Corey Maggette also had a successful college career, helping Duke University reach the NCAA Championship Game in 1999.(在大学时期,科瑞·马格特也表现出色,帮助杜克大学闯入xx年NCAA锦标赛决赛。)