Ditylenchus是什么意思 Ditylenchus的读音、翻译、用法

Ditylenchus是什么意思 Ditylenchus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Ditylenchus dipsaci is a major pest of onion crops in Europe.(Ditylenchus dipsaci是欧洲洋葱作物的主要害虫。)

2. Soybean cyst nematode and Ditylenchus dipsaci are common nematode pests in soybean fields.(大豆囊线虫和双刺线虫是大豆田常见的线虫害虫。)

3. Wheat stem nematode and Ditylenchus destructor are serious pests in wheat production.(小麦茎线虫和毁草线虫是小麦生产中严重的害虫。)

4. Ditylenchus angustus is known to cause severe damage to potato crops.(已知双刺线虫能够对马铃薯作物造成严重的破坏。)

5. Sunflowers are susceptible to Ditylenchus dipsaci in both the vegetative and reproductive stages.(向日葵在营养生长期和生殖生长期均易受双刺线虫的侵害。)

6. The infection of Ditylenchus destructor in garlic can result in significant yield losses.(毁草线虫感染大蒜会导致显著的产量损失。)

7. The life cycle of Ditylenchus dipsaci involves four developmental stages.(双刺线虫的生命周期包括四个发育阶段。)

8. The control of Ditylenchus in crops involves the use of nematicides, crop rotation, and resistant varieties.(控制作物中双刺线虫的方法包括使用杀线虫剂、轮作和种植抗病品种。)

9. Ditylenchus destructor has a wide host range, including various crops and weeds.(毁草线虫的寄主范围广泛,包括多种作物和杂草。)

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