1. REM This program calculates the average of three numbers. (这个程序计算三个数字的平均数。)
2. REM This subroutine checks if a string is a palindrome. (这个子程序检查一个字符串是否是回文。)
3. REM This code block generates random numbers for a game. (这段代码产生游戏所需的随机数。)
4. REM This function searches for a specific value in an array. (这个函数在数组中查找特定的值。)
5. REM This statement prints out the results of the calculation. (这个语句将计算结果输出到屏幕上。)
6. REM This loop iterates through all the items in a list. (这个循环遍历列表中的所有项。)
7. REM This program uses recursion to solve a complex problem. (这个程序使用递归解决一个复杂的问题。)
8. REM This function converts Celsius to Fahrenheit. (这个函数将摄氏度转换为华氏度。)
9. REM This code snippet reads data from a file and stores it in a variable. (这段代码从文件中读取数据并将其存储在变量中。)