1. The codimension of the intersection of two hyperplanes in R^n is 2.
2. The codimension of the boundary of a manifold is one.
3. The codimension of the singular locus of a holomorphic foliation F on a complex manifold X is at least two.
4. The codimension of the critical set of a smooth function f: M→R is at least one.
5. The codimension of the set of critical values of a smooth function f:M→N is zero.
6. The dimension of the set of singular points of a submanifold of a Riemannian manifold is at most half of the codimension of the submanifold.
7. The codimension of the kernel of a linear transformation T:V→W is the rank of T.
8. The codimension of a point in a line is one.
9. The codimension of a plane in three-dimensional space is one.