1.Indium is often used in the production of touch screen displays.(Indium经常用于触摸屏显示器的生产。)
2.Indium-tin oxide is commonly used as a transparent conducting oxide.(氧化铟锡常用作透明导电氧化物。)
3.Indium is a key component in creating photovoltaic cells.(Indium是制造光伏电池的关键组件。)
4.Indium is sometimes added to silver solder to lower its melting point.(Indium有时会被添加到银钎料中以降低其熔点。)
5.Indium is also used as a coating on telescope mirrors.(Indium也被用作望远镜镜面的涂层。)
6.In the industrial production of alloys, indium is often used as a substitute for mercury.(在合金的工业生产中,Indium常被用作汞的替代品。)
7.Indium is a relatively rare metal in the Earth's crust.(Indium在地壳中相对较少。)
8.Indium was discovered in 1863 by Ferdinand Reich and Hieronymous Theodor Richter.(Indium于xx年被Ferdinand Reich和Hieronymous Theodor Richter发现。)
9.Indium has a low toxicity and is not harmful to humans in small amounts.(Indium有较低的毒性,少量的Indium对人体无害。)