1. Η Ιπποδαμία ήταν μια από τις κυριότερες θεότητες της αρχαίας Ελλάδας. (Hippodamia was one of the main deities of ancient Greece.)
2. Hippodamia adalah dewi pelindung kuda dalam mitologi Yunani. (Hippodamia is the goddess of horse protection in Greek mythology.)
3. Hippodamia era la dea della protezione dei cavalli nella mitologia greca. (Hippodamia was the goddess of horse protection in Greek mythology.)
4. Hippodamia var hästarnas beskyddare i grekisk mytologi. (Hippodamia was the protector of horses in Greek mythology.)
5. Hippodamia foi uma das deusas mais importantes da Grécia Antiga. (Hippodamia was one of the most important goddesses of ancient Greece.)
6. Hippodamia a fost zeița protecției calului în mitologia greacă. (Hippodamia was the goddess of horse protection in Greek mythology.)
7. Η Ιπποδαμία φέρεται να ήταν η θεά προστασίας των αγώνων ιπποδρομίας. (Hippodamia was said to be the goddess of protection of horse racing events.)
8. Hippodamia joutui taistelemaan useiden muiden jumalien puolesta, ja oli tämän takia hyvin arvostettu. (Hippodamia had to fight for several other gods, and was therefore highly respected.)
9. Hippodamia była boginią ochrony koni w mitologii greckiej. (Hippodamia was the goddess of horse protection in Greek mythology.)