1. It is mandatory for healthcare workers to wear PPE when dealing with patients. (在处理病人时,医护人员必须佩戴PPE。)
2. The demand for PPE has skyrocketed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. (由于COVID-19的爆发,PPE的需求量飞涨了。)
3. The government is taking steps to ensure that PPE is available for all essential workers. (政府正在采取措施,以确保所有必要的工作者都可以获得PPE。)
4. Proper use of PPE can greatly reduce the risk of infection. (正确使用PPE可以大大降低感染风险。)
5. The hospital has implemented strict guidelines for the disposal of PPE. (医院实施了严格的PPE处置指南。)
6. The production of PPE has become a major industry during the pandemic. (在这场流行病期间,PPE的生产已成为一个重要的行业。)
7. The government has allocated funds to purchase PPE for schools. (政府已经拨款购买PPE给学校。)
8. PPE is essential for workers in industries such as construction and mining. (PPE对于建筑和矿业等行业的工人来说是必不可少的。)
9. The company provided its employees with high-quality PPE to ensure their safety. (公司为员工提供了高质量的PPE,以确保他们的安全。)