rater是什么意思 rater的读音、翻译、用法

rater是什么意思 rater的读音、翻译、用法



1. The rater gave me a high score for my presentation.(那位评分者给予我演讲的高分。)

2. The rater didn't think my essay was well-organized.(评分者认为我的文章结构不够清晰。)

3. The rater praised the chef's culinary skills.(评分者赞扬了厨师的烹饪技巧。)

4. The rater assigned a low score for the student's grammar errors.(评分人员因学生的语法错误给予较低的分数。)

5. The rater judged the product to be of high quality.(评分者认为该产品质量高。)

6. The rater criticized the author's lack of originality in the story.(评分者批评了作者故事中的缺乏独创性。)

7. The rater was impressed by the athlete's physical abilities.(评分者对运动员的身体素质印象深刻。)

8. The rater noted the employee's excellent customer service skills.(评分者注意到员工的优秀客户服务技巧。)

9. The rater felt that the team's performance was not up to par.(评分者认为团队的表现不够出色。)

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