evapotranspiration是什么意思 evapotranspiration的读音、翻译、用法

evapotranspiration是什么意思 evapotranspiration的读音、翻译、用法



1. The amount of evapotranspiration can affect the water balance of a region.(蒸散发量能影响一个地区的水平衡。)

2. By measuring evapotranspiration, scientists can evaluate the water use efficiency of crops.(通过测量蒸散发,科学家们可以评估作物的用水效率。)

3. Deforestation can reduce evapotranspiration, leading to changes in regional climate.(森林砍伐会减少蒸散发,导致地区气候变化。)

4. The evapotranspiration rates in arid regions are generally lower than in humid regions.(干旱地区的蒸散发率一般低于潮湿地区。)

5. The water supply for irrigation is determined based on the crop water requirement, which is related to evapotranspiration.(灌溉用水的供应是根据作物的需水量来确定的,这与蒸散发有关。)

6. Global evapotranspiration is an important factor in the Earth's energy balance.(全球蒸散发是地球能量平衡的重要因素。)

7. Drought conditions can lead to reduced evapotranspiration, which can in turn exacerbate the drought.(干旱条件会导致蒸散发减少,进而加剧干旱。)

8. The evapotranspiration process is influenced by environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed.(蒸散发过程受到温度、湿度、风速等环境因素的影响。)

9. Accurate measurement of evapotranspiration is important for water management and agricultural production.(精确测量蒸散发对于水资源管理和农业生产十分重要。)

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