Encyclopedia Britannica是英语词汇,中文翻译为“大英百科全书”。它是最古老、最广泛流传的通用百科全书之一,包含了人类所知的各种领域的知识。Encyclopedia Britannica最初于xx年由苏格兰工具制造商William Smellie创建,最初名为《苏格兰自然史》,后来转型成为全面的百科全书。
以下是9个含有Encyclopedia Britannica的例句:
1. Encyclopedia Britannica is a great resource for information on a wide variety of subjects.(《大英百科全书》是了解各种主题信息的好资源。)
2. The articles in Encyclopedia Britannica are written by experts in their respective fields.(《大英百科全书》的文章是由各自领域的专家撰写的。)
3. When I was in school, we used to refer to Encyclopedia Britannica for research projects.(我还在学校时,我们用《大英百科全书》来进行研究项目。)
4. Encyclopedia Britannica is available both in print and online versions.(《大英百科全书》有纸质和网上版本。)
5. The current edition of Encyclopedia Britannica has over 120,000 articles.(《大英百科全书》的当前版本有超过12万篇文章。)
6. Encyclopedia Britannica has been updated and revised many times over the years.(《大英百科全书》已经多次更新和修订,多年来不断完善。)
7. Encyclopedia Britannica has a reputation for being a reliable source of information.(《大英百科全书》以可靠的信息来源而闻名。)
8. Many libraries have copies of Encyclopedia Britannica available for use.(很多图书馆都有《大英百科全书》可供使用。)
9. Encyclopedia Britannica covers a vast range of subjects, from science to history to the arts.(《大英百科全书》涵盖了广泛的主题,从科学到历史到艺术。)