1. Macroptilium atropurpureum是一种在南半球种植的有用植物。
(Macroptilium atropurpureum is a useful plant cultivated in the southern hemisphere.)
2. 这个国家主要种植的绿肥包括Clover、Vetch和Macroptilium等。
(The green manure crops mainly grown in this country include clover, vetch and Macroptilium.)
3. Macroptilium Lathyroides在土壤中有钾、钙、镁和铁等重要的营养元素。
(Macroptilium Lathyroides has important nutritional elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron in the soil.)
4. Macroptilium atropurpureum可以增加土壤的有机质含量。
(Macroptilium atropurpureum can increase the organic matter content of the soil.)
5. 我们种植了一些Macroptilium作为我们土地的绿肥。
(We planted some Macroptilium as a green manure for our land.)
6. 拉丁美洲的一些国家已经开始广泛种植Macroptilium。
(Some Latin American countries have started to cultivate Macroptilium extensively.)
7. Macroptilium Lathyroides对病毒和真菌的抵抗力较强。
(Macroptilium Lathyroides has strong resistance to viruses and fungi.)
8. Macroptilium Lathyroides可以帮助我们提高土地的水保持能力。
(Macroptilium Lathyroides can help us improve the water retention capacity of the soil.)
9. 用Macroptilium种植的土地可以产生更多的有机肥料。
(The land cultivated with Macroptilium can produce more organic fertilizers.)