Jerry Stackhouse是什么意思 Jerry Stackhouse的读音、翻译、用法

Jerry Stackhouse是什么意思 Jerry Stackhouse的读音、翻译、用法

'Jerry Stackhouse'这个词语来自于英语,它是一个人名,是一位美国前职业篮球运动员和现任篮球教练。

以下是9个含有'Jerry Stackhouse'词语的例句:

1. Jerry Stackhouse was a high-scoring shooting guard during his playing days.(Jerry Stackhouse曾是得分能力很强的得分后卫。)

2. The Detroit Pistons selected Jerry Stackhouse with the third pick in the 1995 NBA Draft.(底特律活塞队于xx年的NBA选秀中用第三个签位选中了Jerry Stackhouse。)

3. Jerry Stackhouse played for eight different NBA teams during his career.(Jerry Stackhouse在他的职业生涯中效力过8支不同的NBA球队。)

4. Stackhouse was named an All-Star two times during his career.(Stackhouse在他的职业生涯中两次被选入全明星阵容。)

5. After retiring from playing, Stackhouse became a coach in the NBA G League.(退役后,Stackhouse成为了NBA G联盟的教练。)

6. In 2019, Jerry Stackhouse was hired as the head coach of Vanderbilt University's men's basketball team.(xx年,Jerry Stackhouse被聘为范德堡大学男子篮球队的主教练。)

7. Stackhouse is known for his tough, physical style of play on the court.(Stackhouse以他在球场上强硬、有力的打法而著名。)

8. Jerry Stackhouse was inducted into the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 2018.(Jerry Stackhouse于xx年被纳入了北卡罗来纳州体育名人堂。)

9. Stackhouse has been praised for his ability to develop young players and work with them to improve their skills.(Stackhouse因其培养年轻球员的能力以及与他们一起提高技能的能力而受到赞扬。)

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