Menhaden是什么意思 Menhaden的读音、翻译、用法

Menhaden是什么意思 Menhaden的读音、翻译、用法



1. Menhaden make up a large part of the diet of many marine predators.(黄鱼占许多海洋掠食者的饮食中的一大部分。)

2. The menhaden population has declined significantly in recent years due to overfishing.(由于过度捕捞,近年来黄鱼数量显著下降。)

3. The fishing industry relies heavily on the availability of menhaden.(渔业在很大程度上依赖于黄鱼的供应。)

4. Menhaden are known for their strong and distinctive odor.(黄鱼以其强烈而独特的气味而闻名。)

5. Many fishermen use menhaden as bait to catch larger fish.(许多渔民用黄鱼作为鱼饵来捕捉更大的鱼类。)

6. Menhaden oil is often used in the production of pet food.(黄鱼油常用于宠物食品的生产中。)

7. Menhaden may not be as well-known as salmon, but they play an important role in marine ecosystems.(黄鱼可能不像鲑鱼那样出名,但它们在海洋生态系统中扮演着重要的角色。)

8. Some people believe that menhaden could be used more sustainably if managed properly.(一些人认为,如果管理得当,黄鱼可以更可持续地利用。)

9. Menhaden have been used for centuries as a source of food and oil.(黄鱼已经被用作食物和油的来源几个世纪了。)

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