'Chicago Sun-Times'是美国的英文词语,可翻译为芝加哥太阳报,在美国历史悠久的报业中占有一席之地。下面提供9个含有'Chicago Sun-Times'的例句:
1. I read about the game in the Chicago Sun-Times. (我在芝加哥太阳报上看到了关于这场比赛的报道。)
2. The Chicago Sun-Times is a daily newspaper in Chicago, Illinois. (芝加哥太阳报是伊利诺伊州芝加哥市的一份日报。)
3. Did you see the article about the new museum exhibit in the Chicago Sun-Times? (你有看到芝加哥太阳报上关于新博物馆展览的文章吗?)
4. The Chicago Sun-Times has been in publication since 1948. (芝加哥太阳报自xx年以来一直在出版。)
5. She won the Pulitzer Prize for her work at the Chicago Sun-Times. (她因在芝加哥太阳报的工作而获得了普利策奖。)
6. The Chicago Sun-Times is known for its in-depth coverage of local news. (芝加哥太阳报以其深入报道本地新闻而闻名。)
7. I had to cancel my subscription to the Chicago Sun-Times because I no longer live in Chicago. (我不得不取消我在芝加哥太阳报的订阅,因为我不再住在芝加哥了。)
8. The Chicago Sun-Times has had a number of famous journalists on staff over the years. (多年来,芝加哥太阳报聘有许多著名的记者。)
9. We get the Chicago Sun-Times delivered to our doorstep every morning. (我们每天早上都会收到芝加哥太阳报送到我们家门口。)