1. Thysanosoma属于寄生性动物,其寄生物体为鱼类。
Thysanosoma is a parasitic organism that lives on fish.
2. 这种无脊椎动物身上有许多Thysanosoma,它们会给鱼类带来很大的痛苦。
This invertebrate has many Thysanosoma on its body, which can cause great pain to fish.
3. 研究Thysanosoma的结构和生活习性对于深入了解海洋生态系统有很大的帮助。
Studying the structure and habits of Thysanosoma is very helpful for understanding the marine ecosystem.
4. Thysanosoma会对鱼的生长和发育产生负面影响,甚至会导致鱼的死亡。
Thysanosoma can have negative effects on the growth and development of fish, and can even lead to their death.
5. 学习Thysanosoma的生命周期和传播方式可以帮助我们更好地控制其在渔业中的影响。
Studying the life cycle and transmission of Thysanosoma can help us better control its impact on fisheries.
6. 许多海洋生物都可能是Thysanosoma的宿主,但它们的免疫系统通常可以抵御寄生虫的影响。
Many marine organisms may be hosts to Thysanosoma, but their immune systems can usually resist the parasite's effects.
7. 这个实验室专门研究Thysanosoma的基因组,以期发现其适应性和进化历史。
This laboratory specializes in studying the genome of Thysanosoma in order to discover its adaptability and evolutionary history.
8. Thysanosoma的形态和结构可以为分类学家提供有关其进化关系的重要线索。
The morphology and structure of Thysanosoma can provide important clues to taxonomists about its evolutionary relationships.
9. 许多海洋生物学家认为Thysanosoma可能对渔业和环境造成严重的影响,因此需要更深入的研究。
Many marine biologists believe that Thysanosoma may have serious impacts on fisheries and the environment, and therefore require further study.