'Neospora caninum'是拉丁语,翻译成中文是“犬新球虫”,是一种寄生在犬科动物和反刍动物体内的原生动物,可引起牛、狗等动物的神经系统疾病和堕胎。
以下是9个含有'Neospora caninum'的例句:
1. Neospora caninum是一种常见的病原体,会导致奶牛流产。
Neospora caninum is a common pathogen that can cause abortion in cows.
2. Neospora caninum感染可能导致狗的神经系统疾病。
Infection with Neospora caninum can cause neurological disease in dogs.
3. 确诊Neospora caninum感染需要进行血清学检测。
Diagnosis of Neospora caninum infection requires serological testing.
4. Neospora caninum是反刍动物中一种常见的寄生虫。
Neospora caninum is a common parasite in ruminants.
5. 经常清洁犬舍可以有效预防Neospora caninum感染。
Regular cleaning of kennels can effectively prevent Neospora caninum infection.
6. Neospora caninum感染可以通过使用药物治疗。
Infection with Neospora caninum can be treated with medication.
7. 犬新球虫病是由Neospora caninum引起的犬科动物的一种疾病。
Neosporosis is a disease in canids caused by Neospora caninum.
8. 在牛场中,Neospora caninum似乎是一种经常存在的病原体。
In dairy farms, Neospora caninum appears to be a frequent pathogen.
9. 了解Neospora caninum的生物学特征对于预防疾病的传播非常重要。
Understanding the biological characteristics of Neospora caninum is important for preventing the spread of disease.