1. 'sequoia sempervirens'是拉丁语,表示“常绿红杉”。
2. “常绿红杉”是一种高大乔木,属于杉科,是世界上最高的树之一,主要分布在北美洲西海岸地区。它是加州的州树,也是亚马逊公司的一个项目名称。
3. 含有“sequoia sempervirens”的9个例句:
(1) 漫步在常绿红杉森林中,感受自然的美妙。(英语翻译:Taking a walk in the sequoia sempervirens forest and experiencing the beauty of nature.)
(2) 常绿红杉是美国加利福尼亚州的标志性植物。(英语翻译:Sequoia sempervirens is the iconic plant of California in the United States.)
(3) 在夏天,常绿红杉的叶子变得更加浓密,树木更加茂密。(英语翻译:In summer, the leaves of sequoia sempervirens become denser and the trees become thicker.)
(4) 常绿红杉通常生长在海拔多少米的地方?(英语翻译:At what altitude do sequoia sempervirens typically grow?)
(5) 常绿红杉被称为“活化石”,因为它存在了数千年。(英语翻译:Sequoia sempervirens is known as a "living fossil" because it has existed for thousands of years.)
(6) 常绿红杉的树干非常粗,有些树干甚至可以容纳数人。(英语翻译:The trunk of sequoia sempervirens is very thick, and some trunks can even accommodate several people.)
(7) 走进常绿红杉林,你会感受到森林里的新鲜空气和树木的庄严。(英语翻译:Walking into the sequoia sempervirens forest, you will feel the fresh air and the solemnity of the trees.)
(8) 常绿红杉种子是如何繁殖的?(英语翻译:How do sequoia sempervirens seeds reproduce?)
(9) 常绿红杉的树冠一般呈圆锥形,很少向上开展。(英语翻译:The crown of sequoia sempervirens is generally conical and rarely expands upward.)