Traveler是什么意思 Traveler的读音、翻译、用法

Traveler是什么意思 Traveler的读音、翻译、用法



- 旅行者

- 旅客

- 游客

- 行者


- As a traveler, I always carry a map with me.(旅行者,我总是随身携带一张地图。)

- The traveler was exhausted after a long flight.(那名旅客在长时间飞行后感到疲惫不堪。)

- The train station was crowded with travelers.(火车站挤满了旅客。)


1. The traveler checked in at the hotel and then went out to explore the city.(旅行者在酒店办理入住手续后出去探索城市。)

2. The friendly locals gave the foreign traveler directions to the nearest beach.(友好的当地人给了这位外国旅行者去最近的海滩的指引。)

3. The solo traveler enjoyed visiting the historic sites on his own.(那位独自旅行的旅行者喜欢自己参观历史古迹。)

4. The group of travelers hired a tour guide to show them around the famous landmarks.(这群旅行者雇佣了一名导游带他们参观著名的地标建筑。)

5. The budget traveler stayed in a hostel to save money.(预算有限的旅行者选择住青年旅社以省钱。)

6. The experienced traveler knew how to pack efficiently for a long trip.(有经验的旅行者知道如何高效地为长途旅行打包。)

7. The adventurous traveler went bungee jumping off a bridge.(那位爱冒险的旅行者在桥上跳蹦极。)

8. The weary traveler sat down in a café for a cup of coffee and a rest.(疲惫不堪的旅客在咖啡馆里坐下来喝杯咖啡休息。)

9. The solo female traveler took precautions to ensure her safety while traveling alone.(这位独自旅行的女性旅行者采取了措施确保自己安全。)

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